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[Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council Member]
[LGBTQ+ Activism]
[Building Authentic Diversity - Philly Codefest Workshop]
[oSTEM at Drexel University - Student Advisor]
[oSTEM at Drexel University - Founding President]
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council Member
Drexel University's College of Computing and Informatics
October 2020 - June 2022
In October 2020, I became one of three undergraduate students on the inaugural
CCI Diversity Equity and Inclusion Council
In this role I:
Meet twice monthly with the council to discuss events, initiatives, and
college wide communications
Meet at least once monthly with Council Chair outside of council meetings to
enact additional initiatives
Organized an event with student organizations
and QSU
for National Pride Month.
Set up a table for the day in the CCI 10th floor lobby with
informational flyers
on gender affirming professional wear.
Created a website
for students to access the information if they could not attend the
Raffled off three books about building a more affirming closet.
Many LGBTQ+ students use college as a chance to express themselves
authentically for the first time. This incredibly formative experience
can bring many unexpected challenges that other students already
learned much earlier in life such as wearing ties and applying make up.
This is also a challenge many first-generation college students face.
The flyers at the event aimed to provide students with this
assumed-to-be-common knowledge.
Lead the initiative to include sanitary trash receptacles in the stalls of the
men's restroom. These were installed in March 2022.
Lead the initiative to include staff and faculty pronouns on the
College Directory
Organized and hosted a LGBTQ+ trivia event (Queerzzo) during the month of June
to celebrate National LGBTQ+ Pride Month
[Playable Kahoot]
[PDF Notes]
LGBTQ+ Activism
Drexel University
September 2017 - June 2022
This work started the moment I arrived at Drexel in the fall of my freshmen
year. My teaching assistant for my introductory computer science course learned
my legal name. He used it to refer to me instead "Charlie", my actual name,
because he found it funny how uncomfortable I was. After much hesitation, I
reported the incident to the professor. That winter, I was hired as a teaching
assistant. As a result of the incident, all teaching assistants were required to
attend a workshop on respecting marginalized groups, specifically talking about
the impact teaching assistants have on freshmen. This training had no
information about the LGBTQ+ community in STEM. These events mark the start of
my activism career at Drexel. I've included a timeline of major events along
with resources, photos, and articles where applicable. It's a sort of scrapbook
of my career and it makes me happy to read back on.
September 2018 :
Unofficially founded
oSTEM at Drexel University under the Center for the Advancement of
STEM Learning and Teaching Excellence (CASTLE) until getting officially
recognized as a self governed student organization in Fall 2019.
October 11th, 2018 :
Featured by CCI
for Coming Out Day
November 2018 : Attended the
2018 President's Award Ceremony
alongside CASTLE to accept the Award for Diversity & Inclusive Community
with them.
May 2019 :
Met with CCI Administration regarding the exclusivity of the Grace Hopper
Celebration communications. Only students assigned female at birth were
invited to attend the conference free of cost.
This included transgender men and nonbinary students while also excluding
transgender women from this opportunity.
The issue was resolved.
Now communication is sent to all students, regardless of gender.
Female identifying students are encouraged to attend for their own support.
Non-female identifying students are encouraged to attend to listen and learn
in order to better support their peers.
May 2019 :
Served as a panelist on the Student Panel for the American Society of Civil
Engineers' Diversity and Inclusion Conference where I spoke on my
experiences as a marginalized member of the Drexel community.
October 2019 :
Collaborated with the Society of Women Engineers in their annual Lives and
Lessons of the Underrepresented in STEM Conference on behalf of oSTEM.
I helped organize the event and hosted an activity about identity.
February 2020 :
Publicly voiced the discrimination I face as an LGBTQ+ student to the Dean
of CCI at a Donuts with the Dean event.
The concerns addressed include the inaccessibility and safety of restrooms
on campus, consistent dismissal of my identity by students, faculty, and
staff, and the way the Dean ostracized me in the restroom.
Previously the gender-neutral restrooms had been closed for many months due
to plumbing issues.
Within a week after the event, the bathroom was available for use again.
College Wide Email from 2/12/2020
October 2020 :
Collaborated with the Women in Computing Society (WiCS) student organization
to host two events.
The first was a basic transgender allyship workshop
The second, I was a panelist in an event about the importance of sharing
uncensored stories about being an LGBTQ+ individual
November 2020 :
Joined the inaugural
CCI Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council.
November 19th, 2020: ecorded a statement for Student Center for Diversity
and Inclusion (SCDI)
virtual Transgender Day of Remembrance Services.
December 2020:
Received the
Alexander Van Rensselear Service Award
for my LGBTQ+ activism work at Drexel University
May 2021 :
Invited to be a panelist for the Office of Equality and Diversity's (OED)
event titled Honoring Pride Month: A Frank Conversation About Gender and
May 2021 :
Served as a panelist for the Student Center for Diversity and Inclusion on
their Queer Professionalism panel on the challenges the LGBTQ+ community
faces in the workplace.
October 2021 :
After a year of coordinating, pronouns were added to all CCI directories on
International Pronouns Day.
CCI was the first of all fifteen colleges to add pronouns to their
faculty/professional staff directories.
As of July 2022, they still are.
More info...
November 6th, 2021 :
Served as a panelist for the Society of Women Engineer's online Lives and
Lessons conference on the Diversity in Academia panel
November, 19th 2021 :
Spoke at Drexel University's
Transgender Day of Remembrance Services.
February 2022 :
Drexel Athletics invited the student organizations
Queer People of Color (QPOC),
and Queer Student Union (QSU),
to collaborate for their "Pride Night" basketball game.
I created an
[educational flyer]
regarding trans participation in sports.
We also suggested that Drexel Athletics take on LGBTQ+ inclusive initiatives
in addition to hosting celebratory pride events with rainbow merchandise
such as analyzing the safety of their locker rooms and hiring local queens
for future events.
March 2022 :
After a year and a half of coordination, emails, and failed deliveries,
menstrual waste sanitary bins were installed in the men's restrooms at CCI
More Info...
April 2022 :
Addressed admitted students at Drexel's Diversity Luncheon hosted by Drexel
May 2022 :
Was invited by the Provost's Office to interview candidates for the
inaugural Vice Provost of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Dr. Leslie
Ashburn-Nardo was hired and
announced to faculty and professional staff on June 28th.
June 2022 :
Received the
[Department of Computer Science Distinguished Service Award for Outstanding Leadership]
June 1st, 2022 :
Gender Affirming Professional Wear Event
with the DEI Council,
and QSU.
June 9th, 2022 :
I graduated and painted my
["Self Made Man" cap]
Building Authentic Diversity - Philly Codefest Workshop
March 17th, 2022 @ Drexel University's College of Computing and Informatics
Philly Codefest
is Drexel's annual hackathon.
This year the event is taking a hybrid format and will be hosted April 4th
through April 9th. I don't think I'll have time to compete this year, but I
might. It may be fun to go back after
my team won in 2018.
Leading up to the hackathon, many student organizations and sponsors were
invited to host workshops. I hosted a workshop on behalf of
oSTEM about building authentic diversity, not just
sporting a rainbow logo in June.
Slides, recording, and breakdown in progress. It's finals week.
oSTEM at Drexel University - Student Advisor
February 2021 - June 2022
During my time as oSTEM's
Founding President,
the COVID-19 pandemic hit and the organization folded.
One of my dreams when becoming a council member for the CCI DEI Council in
October 2020 was to rebuild oSTEM. However, I knew it wasn't realistic. The
recognition process takes too long and I wouldn't have the bandwidth to act as
president when we would have achieved recognition in my senior year. When the
DEI Council was announced to the college, a student reached out to me about what
they could do to get involved with LGBTQ+ DEI work at Drexel. I shared a few
resources with them. Then, in February of 2021, a second unrelated student from
a different class approached me asking about oSTEM and what events we were
hosting. I told them that sadly, oSTEM had folded and we were not hosting
events. The student asked what we'd need to do to rebuild oSTEM. After
explaining the process, we set out to find a new executive board. I reached out
to the student from the previous term. Within a few hours, the two of them had
formed a new executive board to revive oSTEM.
Given I do not have the time to serve as president, but still want to be active
in the organization, I've been acting as a student advisor to the group. Now
that I've led the group through the recognition process, I've been working to
connect the group to the resources I have available in addition to hosting an
event here and there.
oSTEM at Drexel University - Founding President
September 2018 - May 2020
I founded
oSTEM at Drexel University
after facing transphobia from my teaching assistant my freshman year and being
unhappy with how the situation was addressed. It opened my eyes to the lack of
representation of the LGBTQ+ community in STEM. From this, I wanted to start a
student organization that mimicked the goals and success of the Women in
Computing Society (WiCS) student organization. From my research, I learned about
Out in STEM National Organization.
Starting in the Winter of 2018 I spent about six months building our founding
executive board. Due to Drexel's timeline for student organizations, we were
unable to become a recognized self governed student organization until Fall of 2019.
We spent our first year operating out of the Center for the Advancement of
STEM Learning and Teaching Excellence (CASTLE), utilizing their resources to
host three events without recognition.
oSTEM at Drexel was operational as a
recognized student organization
for approximately six months before the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine hit. The
entire executive board was faced with personal hardship. We were forced to step
back from the organization. oSTEM folded and lost recognition.