Since January 2018
This project encapsulates all the work I've put into the course CS-164 : Introduction to Computer Science at Drexel University in my time as Head Teaching Assistant. As I finish through my senior year and the Fall and Winter courses finish up, I'll add everything to the archive and close this massive chapter of my life. The archive will include:
Since February 2019
My personal site found at
This started as a very basic site to expand my resume. I've now turned it into more of a portfolio. As I've needed more, the site's turned into a little challenge for me in how much I can replicate flashy responsive websites using only Bash and static HTML.
Since April 2019
Bash, Awk, HTML, CSS
I've been collecting Pokemon cards since 2011ish. I've always had them lying around. In middle school 2011/2012 is when I distinctly started getting a lot and taking proper care of them. In 2018 I decided to finally find out how many cards I had and their values. This started the many day long process of organizing my cards into an Excel spreadsheet. This was convenient at the time. In 2019, I transferred the spreadsheets to CSV files and built a site using some nightmarish Python scripts and JavaScript functions. After getting out of my little "web dev" phase, I decided to rebuild in 2020 using something more sustainable and aligned with my goals. [Blogpost About Rebuilding]
Currently the site is hosted on GitHub pages and is comprised entirely of static HTML generated by Bash and Awk scripts. All the cards are stored in plain text CSV files. The CSV files act as a very basic relational database to store both the card information and the sets they belong to. [Code] [Site]