iread, sread - Pop up a dialog prompting the user for input
p )
sread( s, p )
iread() brings up a pop-up dialog asking the user to enter an integer, using the string referenced by p as the message in the dialog.
sread() pops up a dialog prompting the user for a string as input, using the second argument p as the message in the dialog. The string entered by the user is copied into the memory starting at the address passed as the first argument s. The null terminator is also copied over.
If p is not provided in either function, the dialog box does not contain a prompt.
iread() returns the numeric value of the integer entered by the user. Note that Tranquility only has support for integers and will truncate fractional numbers.
sread() has no return value.
The syntax of iread() allows it to be used without being assigned to a variable without errors. If not set to a variable or present in an arithmetic equation then the data entered will be lost.
The following example sets n to be 5 times the value entered by the user.
fun init() { var n n : 5 * iread("Enter an integer:") iprint(.n) }
The following example takes in a 10 letter input from the user without a prompt
fun init() { var str str : alloc( 11 ) sread( .str ) }
The code will crash if .BR iread() is the first line of code and it’s return value is not set to a variable.
Charlie Stuart
Carson Ford, Fall 21-22
Ryan Abraham, Fall 21-22
Sherry Liu, Winter 21-22
First, check
the Tranquility Programmer’s Manual
If the problem persists see Dr. Stuart or Charlie Stuart
Dr. Stuart:
Charlie Stuart:
tranqc(1), iprint(3), sprint(3), i2s(3), alloc(3)
Programmer’s Manual