i2s - Produce the base-10 string represenation of an integer
i2s( str, n )
i2s() produces a string that contains the decimal (base-10) representation of the integer value n passed as the second argument. The first argument str should be the address of a block of memory large enough to contain the resulting string and its null terminator.
i2s() is necessary to display variable values on the HTML pop up window with the html(3), label(3), and table(3) functions.
i2s() does not have a return value.
The following
example from page 7 of the Tranquility Programmer’s
creates a table of factorials.
fun fact(n) { if .n == 0 { } else { return .n * fact(.n - 1) } } fun genfacts(n) { var i, ftab ftab : alloc(.n) i : 0 loop { until .i >= .n (.ftab + .i) : fact(.i) i : .i + 1 } return .ftab } fun filltable() { var i, ftab, istr html("<center>0) html("<table border=1><tr><th>n</th><th>n!</th></tr>0) ftab : genfacts(13) istr : alloc(12) i : 0 loop { until .i > 12 html("<tr><td>") i2s(.istr, .i) html(.istr) html("</td><td>") i2s(.istr, .(.ftab + .i)) html(.istr) html("</td></tr>0) i : .i + 1 } html("</table></center>0) } fun init () { html("<center>") button("Make Table", filltable) html("<p>Factorials</p>0/center>0) }
Charlie Stuart
Lam Nguyen, Fall 21-22
First, check
the Tranquility Programmer’s Manual
If the problem persists see Dr. Stuart or Charlie Stuart
Dr. Stuart:
Charlie Stuart:
tranqc(1), html(3), makelabel(3), setlabel(3), setcell(3)
Programmer’s Manual