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3.1 : ASCII

While there are many different character sets, the one we're gonna focus on is ASCII. ASCII stands for the American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It's a character set which means it was created for computers to display information. As we know, computers can only store 0s and 1s. However, what if we want to display the text "Hello"? We cannot store the letters themselves in the computers code. ASCII is a 7 bit binary code for each letter. Typically the 7 bits are separated into a set of 3 and 4 with a space. This is only for readability purposes. These 7 bits allows strings of text to be stored within the computer to be displayed later. ASCII has 128 characters in the table. I have been very generous and listed them all below.

BinaryDecimalCharacter BinaryDecimalCharacter BinaryDecimalCharacter BinaryDecimalCharacter
000 00000NUL (null) 010 000032Space 100 000064@ 110 000096`
000 00011SOH (start of heading) 010 000133! 100 000165A 110 000197a
000 00102STX (start of text) 010 001034" 100 001066B 110 001098b
000 00113ETX (end of text) 010 001135# 100 001167C 110000199c
000 01004EOT (end of transmission) 010 010036$ 100 010068D 110 0100100d
000 01015ENQ (enquiry) 010 010137% 100 010169E 110 0101101e
000 01106ACK (acknowledge) 010 011038& 100 011070F 110 0110102f
000 01117BEL (bell) 010 011139' 100 011171G 110 0111103g
000 10008BS (backspace) 010 100040( 100 100072H 110 1000104h
000 10019TAB (horizontal tab) 010 100141) 100 100173I 110 1001105i
000 101010LF (new line) 010 101042* 100 101074J 110 1010106j
000 101111VT (vertical tab) 010 101143+ 100 101175K 110 1011107k
000 110012FF (new page) 010 110044, 100 110076L 110 1100108l
000 110113CR (carriage return) 010 110145- 100 110177M 110 1101109m
000 111014SO (shift out) 010 111046. 100 111078N 110 1110110n
000 111115SI (shift in) 010 111147/ 100 111179O 110 11111110
001 000016DLE (data link escape) 011 0000480 101 000080P 111 0000112p
001 000117DC1 (device control 1) 011 0001491 101 000181Q 111 0001113q
001 001018DC2 (device control 2) 011 0010502 101 001082R 111 0010114r
001 001119DC3 (device control 3) 011 0011513 101 001183S 111 0011115s
001 010020DC4 (device control 4) 011 0100524 101 010084T 111 0100116t
001 010121NAK (negative acknowledge) 011 0101535 101 010185U 111 0101117u
001 011022SYN (synchronous idle) 011 0110546 101 011086V 111 0110118v
001 011123ETB (end of trans. block) 011 0111557 101 011187W 111 0111119w
001 100024CAN (cancel) 011 1000568 101 100088X 111 1000120x
001 100125EM (end of medium) 011 1001579 101 100189Y 111 1001121y
001 101026SUB (substitute) 011 101058: 101 101090Z 111 1010122z
001 101127ESC (escape) 011 101159; 101 101191[ 111 1011123{
001 110028FS (file separator) 011 110060< 101 110092\ 111 1100124|
001 110129GS (group separator) 011 110161= 101 110193] 111 1101125}
001 111030RS (record separator) 011 111062> 101 111094 111 1110126
001 111131US (unit separator) 011 111163? 101 111195_ 111 1111127DEL

Displaying Information

So now that we know how to represent each character, let's use this in practice. Let's say we want to display the string, "I'm Charlie". I chose this phrase because it has lowercase letters, capital letters, punctuation, spaces, and I am, in fact, Charlie.

Choose Phrase: I'm Charlie

Relate Letters to Binary: I = 1001001 ' = 0100111 m = 1101101 etc.

Put it Together: 1001001 0100111 1101101 0100000 1000011 1101000 1100001 1110010 1101100 1101001 1100101

Remove Spaces: 10010010100111110110101000001000011110100011000011110010110110011010011100101

As you can see the process is very simple. Translate the characters into numbers using the chart, then concatenate. While using binary is most common, you can also use the base-10 numbers. I chose binary because that's what computers read. You should try this on your own with your own phrases.

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